Company news

European railway workshop online overview

European Workshop Map online
At rail-assets the updated overview of more than 600 railway workshops in Western and Eastern Europe is now available for free.

Postal address and Company webside
You can select the workshops according to country, postal code and place.
For each workshop you'll get the postal address and the company webside.
Here's the link:,478.html

Contact persons and workshop details
You are looking for contact persons, detailed workshop information like maintenance service, type of vehicle maintained, workshop equipement, ...?
You also like to select the workshops according to these information?
Take the Premium Access to the workshop map.
Here's the link:,441.html

We missed a workshop?
We missed a workshop - no matter how small or big it is?
Inform us an you'll get the Premium Access to the workshop map for 4 weeks free of charge! 

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