Our customer list and brief reports

As an external marketing agent, we keep you informed on the status of the sales offer and potential buyers via a permanently updated customer list. On this basis, you quickly get planning certainty with regard to potential selling price, sales possibility and likely time of sale. The customer list also enables you to assess the market independently. We regularly summarize the results for you in brief reports. At the same time this is also the underlying proof that the sale was achieved at the highest prices.

 →Our customer network

rail-assets at the InnoTrans 2024
rail-assets will be represented at the InnoTrans 2024 fair in Berlin with the following themes: MARKETING AND PROCUREMENT SERVICES Are...
Sales Support by rail-assets
1. SALES CONCEPT The objectives of our sales support is to get and keep you in contact with the owner,...
European railway workshop online overview
European Workshop Map online At rail-assets the updated overview of more than 600 railway workshops in Western and Eastern Europe...