Nouvelles de l'entreprise

rail-assets at the InnoTrans 2024

rail-assets will be represented at the InnoTrans 2024 fair in Berlin with the following themes:

Are you planning to sell or purchase rail vehicles, workshop equipment, spare parts, company shares...?
Take advantage of our non-binding consultation offer to sound out the market and the current prices for your used rail asset.

You, as a provider of services and new products for rail vehicles, still see further potential in the sales area.
Inform yourself, without commitment, on how you can raise this sales potential with our help

You can find us here: Joint stand Cluster BahnTechnik CNA CityCube A

For an apointment at the InnoTrans please contact us!

Georg Kreitmair
rail-assets Georg Kreitmair e.K.
Maximilianstrasse 19
D-86150 Augsburg
Telefon:   0049 821 65057900
Mobil:      0049 178 7864458

Sales Support by rail-assets


The objectives of our sales support is to get and keep you in contact with the owner, operator and maintainer of rail vehicles in Europe and Worldwide.

This for the first time (Product Mail), on the long run (Premium/Standard Profile) and regulary (News, Update company profile, Newsletter).

We realise this by placing your company and product information directly to the decision makers.

With this method we sucessfully realize since 2008 the sale used of used rolling stock and workshop equipment since 2008.



We offer our services PERSONALIZED PRODUKT MAIL and PREMIUM PROFILE for a package price of net 795€.



- with a personalized product mail (1-2 pages) owner, operator and maintainer of rail vehicles in and outside of Europe will be informed about your products and services

- benefit: you'll be listed as a supplier and contacted directly in case of need

- measurable benefit: more visits at your webside, direct contacts by potential customers

- Costs: net 495€ per product mail



- more information:,555.html

- with a Premium/Standard Profile potential customers will find and contact you when they are looking for suppliers at 

- benefit: your company and products will be called again and again into the memory of your customers

- costs: net 249€ (Standard) / net 349€ (Premium) per year



- the online workshop map offers information and contacts to most of the European Railway Workshops

- more information:,441.html

- costs: net 295€ p.a. (online access)


Interested? Please contact us!

Georg Kreitmair

+49 821 65057900

rail-assets at the InnoTrans 2018

rail-assets will be represented at the InnoTrans 2018 fair in Berlin with the following themes:

Are you planning to sell or purchase rail vehicles, workshop equipment, spare parts, company shares...?
Take advantage of our non-binding consultation offer to sound out the market and the current prices for your used rail asset.

You, as a provider of services and new products for rail vehicles, still see further potential in the sales area.
Inform yourself, without commitment, on how you can raise this sales potential with our help

You can find us here: Joint stand CNA / Rail Technology Cluster CityCube A, Stand 214

For an apointment at the InnoTrans please contact us! 

Georg Kreitmair

rail-assets Georg Kreitmair e.K.
Maximilianstrasse 19
D-86150 Augsburg

Telefon: 0049 821 710 607 217
Mobil: 0049 178 7864458

rail-assets at the transport logistic 2017 in Munich

Please visit us at the transport logistic in Munich. It's the ideal place to meet and discuss the market for used rolling stock and workshop equipment.

There we present also our new service: marketing support for new rail products and services

You'll find rail-assets at the joint stand of BAYERN INNOVATIV in Hall B5 Stand 315/414

„Europäische Bahnen“ provides an up-to-date overview of the European Rail Market.

„Europäische Bahnen“ provides an up-to-date overview of the European Rail Market.

Since 2006 a core team of 25 associates and a network of more than 200 regular contributors has built and maintains „Europäische Bahnen“ (EB), a knowledge database on Europe’s Railways.

It holds data on all licensed railway undertakings, both on transport and infrastructure, in 34 European countries – more than 1’400 companies in total.The publisher and about half of the core team are based in Germany, the rest of the team and many contributors in all the countries covered by „Europäische Bahnen“.

Every second year, a 1’300 page book is generated from the knowledge database. The printed German „Europäische Bahnen“ has established itself among rail industry professionals as a benchmark reference volume on the European rail market. 

All railway undertakings as company profiles including:
Addresses | Management | Shareholders | History/Overview | Financial indicators | Traffic flows (including maps where possible)

Texts are in German, using a standard template to display information in an easily recognizable manner.

„Europäische Bahnen“ (EB) can be obtained as a printed book as well as an additional online license.

"Europäische Bahnen" awaits your feedback, questions and orders through +49 4541 8304101 and

rail-assets: Werkstattatlas online

European Workshop Atlas for Rail Vehicles is online

The 5th edition of the European Workshop Atlas for Rail Vehicles featuring over 550 workshops is online.

The Workshop Atlas offers an overview of the European railway workshops.

By means of a comfortable search screen you can filter railway workshops in Europe using different criteria, like e.g. location, maintenance services or repair shop equipment and contact them directly.

You can find detailed information on the Workshop Atlas here:,441.html

rail-assets at the Innotrans 2016

rail-assets - the online marketplace for used rail vehicles - turns into a search engine for new and used products in the rail sector

At the rail fair InnoTrans in Berlin rail-assets presents his new Online Marketplace for used and new rail products. With the new web presence, the 5th edition of the European Workshop Atlas for Rail Vehicles goes online for the first time. 

Please visit us at the joint stand of Cluster Bahntechnik: hall 1.2 / stand 102

Used and new rail products on rail-assets

With the redesigned Online Marketplace rail-assets expands its existing range of offerings of secondhand rail vehicles and workshop equipment to include new products and services in the rail vehicle-related market. 

While searching for products, alongside the used offerings, users will in future also find a qualified and almost complete overview of European suppliers of new products.

Someone searching, for example, for a locomotive, a freight wagon or a lifting jack will now find, along with the used products, a virtually complete market review of European suppliers of new products.

One click and users are fully and competently informed, save themselves further laborious research and can get in touch directly with the supplier.

European Workshop Atlas now online

With the new web presence, the 5th edition of the European Workshop Atlas for Rail Vehicles goes online for the first time. Via a comfortable search mask, prospective customers can filter rail workshops in Europe according to different criteria, such as location, maintenance services or workshop equipment. Workshops can present themselves in the workshop atlas comprehensively and tailored to your requirements.

rail-assets: new market place online now!

Just in time for the InnoTrans our new market place is online now.

Currently we are testing.

Latest in a week all features will be fully available.

We apologize for any inconvenience!

rail-assets at the InnoTrans 2024
rail-assets will be represented at the InnoTrans 2024 fair in Berlin with the following themes: MARKETING AND PROCUREMENT SERVICES Are...
Sales Support by rail-assets
1. SALES CONCEPT The objectives of our sales support is to get and keep you in contact with the owner,...